Ohio Department of Health

Radon Licensing Program - RADON User Account Request

The below information is required to obtain secure access to RADMAT/RADON System. By submitting this request, you swear or affirm that you are authorized to perform business processes related to the ODH licensed professional below.

Basic Information

First Name:*

Last Name:*


E-Mail Address:*

Secondary Contact Name:

State OH|ID User ID:*
If you do not have an account, you must create your OH|ID account at: https://ohid.ohio.gov/

Reason for request (at least one reason is required):*

Technical Issue Description:*

License Information: (at least one selection required):*

(To enter multiple Radon Licenses separate them by comma ",". e.g. RT000,RT999,RT788)

ODH License Number:
License Name/Entity:
ODH License Number:

Click to confirm Affirmation * I swear or affirm that the information provided herein, and any attachments hereto, have been prepared or carefully reviewed by me and constitute a truthful and correct disclosure of all information herein. I certify that the undersigned is the operator (if the operator is an individual), the president or other officer (if the operator is a corporation), a partner (if the operator is a partner), or an authorized agent of the operator.


If you have a question regarding use of this form e-mail us at radon@odh.ohio.gov.
* = Required field